Best Quality

We will provide the best quality item for our loyal costumer.

Partnership Opportunity

For you guys that have an offer for partnership
just try to contact us


Rafkogap provides many types of products, from various nuts, dynabolt, bolts, nails, etc.

Why Rafkogap?


We had more than 10 years experience in this field


Only give the best item for Rafkogap loyal costumer

Best Price

Without a doubt we have the best price for item that you need


As drat / long drat/ studbolt

Bahan:1/4 sampai 2”, M5 sampai M42 Panjang: 1 meter Keterangan: tidak memiliki kepala, seluruh badan baut dipenuhi oleh drat, Digunakan…

Mur (baja 8.8 dan 2H)

Previous Next 8.8 A325 Menjual ukuran drat Mili dan inchi Menjual ukuran drat inchi saja Lebih mudah karatan Lebih lama…